Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Who will be the Chinese MSN portal "murder"

After a very low key operation, the May 26, Microsoft's MSN portal in Chinese official release. Prior to that, back in November 2004 Microsoft will launch MSN had already heard the Chinese news portal.

The industry were surprised to find, MSN Chinese portal does not use "new wave" type of news pooling method, but rather to build content and channel partners an alternative approach. On the other hand, MSN is also follow the example of Tencent QQ, use instant messaging tools and personal sites combined approach, landing MSN users will be "forced" to see the MSN Chinese website content.

QQ anxious, Sina their vigilance

Chinese MSN portal landing, the industry buzzing about its potential to change the pattern of China's portal.

Tencent first "panic", "MSN came this time, that is directly facing the QQ's." Tencent an evaluation of senior managers so. However, According to report, many analysts still believe the Chinese MSN portal on Sina, Sohu and other traditional Chinese portal greatest threat.

"Portal is not static." Internet lab, senior analyst, Institute of Electronic Commerce in China Information Committee and deputy director Liang Chunxiao told, "International Herald Tribune" reporter, "the status of traditional Chinese gateway and advantages will not last forever. MSN Chinese portal Sina who is a real threat. "

Liang Chunxiao introduced the development process from the view of the portal, the portal is able to meet the needs of a majority of people online application. The beginning because people need to find their interest in the web site, so "YAHOO (Yahoo)" and other search engines to become the first generation of portals. Then, as online content complex, users need to have a website to help themselves integrate these large and complex information, so Sina and other "content providers" to become the second-generation portal.

"Now users of the Internet has enlarged its demands, including business, entertainment, shopping, communications, blog and other aspects. The future will be the integration of third-generation portal gateway to these capabilities." Liang Chunxiao description.

Experts pointed out that from now seems, MSN portal in Chinese the most signs of the third generation of portals, there are a number of local Chinese portals risk of being replaced.

Microsoft domineering may offend users in China

Adapt to new ideas do not necessarily represent the success, MSN portal in China and the Chinese may have been users surfing habits, "acclimatized" and the policy aspect of the triple attacks.

"(MSN) users has become a sheep under Microsoft Overlord upgrades, only listen to or expelled, there is no other choice - the beginning of Microsoft's King habits is complete, do not consider the user experience." A senior editor for MSN forced to eject Type page and criticized.

聽聽聽 姊佹槬鏅撹涓哄嵆鏃堕?璁伐鍏稭SN鏄叾涓枃缃戠珯鐨勬渶閲嶈浼樺娍锛屽埄鐢∕SN鎺ㄥ箍鍏剁綉绔欐槸蹇呯劧鍋氭硶銆備絾姝や妇鍙兘姝f挒涓婁簡鍥戒汉鐨勯?鍙嶅績鐞嗭紝鍏舵晥鏋滃緢鍙兘閫傚緱鍏跺弽銆?br />
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聽聽聽 鍙﹀锛岀敱浜庢斂绛栭檺鍒讹紝MSN涓枃闂ㄦ埛鑷繁涓嶈兘缁勭粐鍐呭锛岀洰鍓嶅叾閲囩敤涓潚缃戜綔涓轰富瑕佸唴瀹逛緵搴斿晢锛屾樉鐒舵湁鐐瑰娍鍗曞姏钖勩?

聽聽聽 鐢变簬MSN涓枃闂ㄦ埛鐜版湁鐨勭绉嶇己闄凤紝缁欎簡涓浗鏈湡闂ㄦ埛浠疂璐电殑鏃堕棿锛屸?鏈湡闂ㄦ埛涓?畾瑕佹湁鏂扮殑璁よ瘑锛屼笌鏃朵勘杩涳紝鎵嶄笉鑷充簬琚簰鑱旂綉鍙戝睍澶ф疆娣樻卑鈥濓紝姊佹槬鏅撹銆?br />


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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

HTML Component (HTML COMPONENTS) one of the

HTML Component (HTML COMPONENTS) is IE5. 0 One of the major expansion, its also the most revolutionary, Microsoft's intention is to replace HTML ACTIVEX control components, and as ACTIVE controls, HTML component is from the continued closure of the object can be an arbitrary use of the development, use HTML components has many advantages, this article will reveal some of you are!
HTML components into a lot of new terms, ideas, objects, methods, and properties, I will give you a calendar application to accept these, the application displays the current month of the calendar date, week and highlight the current date.

==== HTML behavior and conduct === HTC

HTML component encapsulates HTML content, and can be inserted into another HTML document. Before the appearance of the HTML component in the HMTL document using a custom control the only way is to use Microsoft ACTIVEX controls, ACTIVEX controls One of the drawbacks is the use of a client before installing HTML controls, on the other hand will be downloaded to the main page clients, is the author of HTML for the DHTML control is more attractive because they can use their familiar language to develop their own controls and components, HTC provides a simple mechanism to implement DHTML behaviors in script. A HTC file and HTML files without any difference, and to ". Htc" for the suffix, which includes a series of HTC custom scripts and explain elements, these elements define the HTML component properties, methods, events, etc., all of HTC elements by the object ID attribute as an object used in the script, all the methods and properties can be dynamic action in the script.
You can use the HTC achieve the following acts:
* Set the properties and methods. Through the "PROPERTY" and "METHOD" element of the definition of
* Set a custom event. Through the "EVENT" element to achieve, with the element of "fire ()" method of release events,
By "createEventObject ()" method to set the event environment.
* Included in the visit of the HTML page HTC DHTML object model, using HTC's "element" object to return
An additional element of behavior, the use of the object, HTC can visit include the text block and its object model (properties, methods, events).
* Receipt of notice, using "ATTACH" element to achieve, the browser will not only inform the HTC standard DHTML events, and links
HTC to know two special events: oncontentready events and ondocumentready event.
HTC encapsulates the behavior of the definition of the concept of behavior the first time in IE5. 0 in, HTC's advanced behavioral elements package that behavior can not and marked separation in IE5. 0, in the script behavior can be separated from the elements , while in IE5. 5, the element can not separate their original behavior.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The difference between Samba and NFS

DEC began development of samba is used in different resource sharing between Unix machines, using udp protocol. Later, re-development based on tcp, the efficiency has been greatly improved. It uses the protocol is SMB. Microsoft is not willing to pay License fees, the agreement in the windows system, re-achieved. Since the samba and windows in the neighborhood are using the SMB network protocol. So, samba natural is mainly used in windows and unix share resources between. Resources including files, printers and so on.

SUN NFS is developed for resource sharing between UNIX machines. The set is easy, mainly configuration / etc / exports file, then run exportfs-a to share out. NFS has now become a UNIX / LINUX on the standard.

Both documents say that some of their high efficiency:) From my experience, nfs efficiency is slightly higher, but the difference is not significant.

From the configuration perspective, samba complicated, nfs simple. But the complexity of a complex truth, it allows us the flexibility of configuration.

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

JSN-1 (A) Digital Switching Introduction

I. Introduction
JSN-1 (A) switch is Jade Bird Huaguang Technology Co., Ltd. to respond to the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications China Telecom network development on the strategic plan, in accordance with ITU-T series of recommendations and the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of the technical specifications for the characteristics of China's telecommunications network construction, the introduction of foreign nineties advanced technology, combined with development of China's specific national conditions, development, production, and a technology advanced, full-featured, reliable and accurate digital PBX billing. It is widely used large-scale, very large scale integrated circuits, computer networks, optical communication and object-oriented software design of the latest communications technology and advanced automated production lines, in strict accordance with international quality standard ISO9000 series of management. In the 93 years of performance testing of similar products in the country were the highest first, the annual production capacity of 100 million lines. By the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications as the first batch of optimization models, especially for the public network of Posts and Telecommunications Bureau of Agriculture would end, tandem Council and the City, then branch offices, as well as water, electricity, public security, military and other specialized communication networks to use.

Second, the system features
1, complete system functionality
System supports a variety of services, and is stored in the program by the microprocessor control.
At any time, as long as the modified software or insert a new package can increase the system functionality.

2, flexible configuration structure
All building blocks structure, module combination.
Easy to expand capacity, from 200 to 11 392 lines are free expansion.
Standard slot machine box, and software interfaces, various types of interface, plug and play.

3, abundant interface types
PCM digital relay, each plate 60 Road (2 脳 2.048Mbps).
Four-line carrier relay EMT, 8 per plate.
E / M relay (2 wire / 4 wire), 4-way per board.
Multi-function interface, a magnet, E / M and loop relay functions, each plate 8.
User interface, each plate 8, pulse / multi-frequency phone is compatible.
Polarity reversal user interface, each plate 8, can be accessed by magnetic cards, coin and Mandarin machine.
Slot design compatible with a variety of ports.

4, a powerful networking capability
With a variety of program-controlled electromechanical switches and networking with DID, DOD functions. Can be set up in various forms, various levels of private communication networks.
Support a variety of national standard signaling, but also with some non-standard way signal to adapt.
3 automatic routing, the maximum number of route 300, the system of routing the largest up to 5 digits. Equipment with the first direct route selection, followed by the election circuitous route, eventually routing the last election.
With various tandem, connecting function, in tandem process, with the signals can be transmitted end to end way forward or paragraph by paragraph.
Automatic re-election, even under direct user switch (PABX).

5, flexible and reversible manner
Full range of release control, calling control, called control, and do not control mode could be set.
Council calls the user control mode with each other.
Of the trouble calls can be called man-machine commands into control mode.
The user's long-distance automatic control to the caller if the call were reversible manner.
Semi-automatic to domestic or international long distance, then continue, the operator response before the main call control, called control after response.
Special service call by the called control method (112,110,119,17 X, 10X) and the recovery mode does not control each other.

6 business functions
Provide domestic, international and local networks of various automatic telephone call.
International and domestic long-distance semi-automatic calls, manual call.
Provide various special services.
Declaration to provide query and business.
Can provide users with a variety of voice mail features.
6 users have the right.
Wealth of new business functions.
Support non-voice services.

7, performance improved maintenance capabilities
Menu-driven, window technology, character graphics.
Data generation is simple and reliable.
Automatic diagnosis, online test.
Remote maintenance can be equipped with special cards and software to achieve the central office to the remote branch offices, remote centralized maintenance.
Practical signaling trace display.
Follow a detailed process analysis.
Automatic traffic statistics.
Perfect sound and light warning system.

8, flexible billing management system
City, then, farmers, long-distance real-time billing.
Demand rates and project settings.
Rates can be analyzed to determine number 11.
Online, offline charging optional.
Automatic billing, billing flexibility, can live freely set to double billing or detailed billing meter times.
Sub-billing, Internet, set up to adapt to the latest demand of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.
Various sorting, statistics, reports, fully functional.
Chinese screen prompts, easy to operate.
Window (windows platform) technology, menu help.

9, non-blocking switching network
Switching network using digital technology, the number of hours to form a non-blocking switching network, allowing all users to call.

10, high-quality transmission performance
With pulse code modulation (PCM) and time division multiplexing (TDM) switching network of advanced digital technology, can achieve low noise and stable high-speed data transmission.

11, multi-functional intelligent attendant console
More than 386 by the general increase with the attendant console PC card and software, which can immediately display the current status and call information.
Each rack can be accessed by five attendant console, the whole system to connect up to 20 attendant console.
Attendant console to make use of digital transmission systems to minimize the wire device. 5 pairs of wire connection using a cable, attendant console can be connected to more than 1,000 meters from the system to work in places.
Displays to provide extension and trunk status.
A system of regional management and diagnosis of special features.

12, High Reliability
All decentralized modular structure.
Power, main control system, switching network, the clock and other critical components hot backup.
Comprehensive diagnostic, testing, fault isolation and automatic re-function.
Advanced over-current, over voltage protection circuit ports to avoid the lightning, strong electrical damage.
Advanced production technology and strict quality control.
High availability, redundancy, fault tolerance.

13, good inheritance, and scalability
With 2B + D, 30B + D function.
Support the ISDN protocol.
Support for China on the 7th of road signaling.
Can continue to expand new business capabilities.
Full support broadband integrated services and future development of telecommunication networks.
Expansion can be smooth or BSP80 for the JSN-1A super node broadband network platform for a user access module.

14, a wide range of applications
JSN-1 (A) digital program-controlled switches are widely used in agriculture, then the public telecommunication network end office, tandem Bureau and the City, then branch offices.
Applied to form the public security, electricity, water, coal, oil, railways, military and other specialized communications network.
Also be used as various departments, factories, schools, hotels, the user switches.

Annex: JSN-1 (A) Application of the Model Figure

3, JSN-1 (A) system structure

1 Overview
JSN-1 (A) Digital Switching from the five basic functional units: the main unit, patch panels, attendant console, power supply units, peripheral equipment (data communication, billing devices and phones and terminals).

Basic system block diagram is as follows:

2, system
JSN-1 (A) formed by a number of chassis, consisting of system calls and relay the user interface, as a whole, each frame is called a switching unit (EU). The exchange unit and the connection between the host aircraft is achieved by the ribbon cable used to transmit various control information.

4, JSN-1 (A) system technical characteristics

1, the new business functions
Dialing, hotline services, breath restriction, to avoid disturbing services, to find trouble calls, alarm clock service, no answer transfer, call transfer, call back busy, call waiting, three-way calling, conference calls, the user self ringing more than 30 kinds of new business.

2, sound alarm device
JSN-1 (A) Digital Switching System with remote fault alarm device, the device has a buzzer and indicator lights, remote alarm is divided into three situations: power failure alarm, warning of hardware failure, software failure alarm. Into serious trouble alarm warning level and the general failure alarm two.


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Monday, July 12, 2010

New worm Floodnet (cute) little files

顥?顥?virus name: Win32.Floodnet
顥?顥?alias: Win32/Cute.Worm, W32.Tendoolf, WORM_TENDOOLF.A
顥?顥?virus types: Win32
顥?顥?Virus Type: Worm
顥?顥?hazardous levels: in
顥?顥?transmission speed: fast
顥?顥?br />顥?顥?Virus features:

顥?顥?The virus is spread out using MAPI protocol messages worm. The virus e-mail format:

顥?顥?Subject: Thoughts ...

顥?顥?Body: I just found this program, and, i dont know why ... but it reminded me of you. Check it out.

顥?顥?Annex: Cute.exe

Annex running:
顥?顥?br />1. Virus infected machine will generate% Windows% Kernel32.exe virus copies, and deleted from the hard disk has been performed in this Annex.
顥?顥?br />顥?顥?2. Will create the following registry key:

顥?顥?HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunWindows = "% Windows% kernel32.exe"

顥?顥?HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunServices = "% Windows% kernel32.exe"


顥?顥?HKCR.vxContent Type = "application / x-msdownload"

顥?顥?br />顥?顥?3. Will modify the system.ini and win.ini file, the command line is modified as follows:


顥?顥?shell = explorer.exe% Windows% kernel32.exe
顥?顥?br />顥?顥?win.ini:
顥?顥?load =% Windows% kernel32.exe
顥?顥?br />顥?顥?4. To act as a backdoor program used to connect IRC servers, and log in to a particular channel. Users in the channel may further send out e-mail, MSN Messenger and AOL Instante Messenger messages, so that may have distributed denial of service attack power.
顥?顥?br />顥?顥?carry the worm ftp and Http server is also able to infect the user's machine.


顥?顥?5. Will try to remove the memory of the following processes:



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Burn DVD movies to DVD-R(W) and DVD+R(W) Disc
Support copy DVD-5/DVD-9 type DVD movies to DVD-9(Dual Layer) disc
Support compress DVD-5/DVD-9 type DVD movies to DVD-5 disc
Custom specify anyone part of original DVD movies to keep or remove (audio tracks, sub-titles)
Include advanced compression technology.
Automatically prepares blank DVD for recording.
24 hour technical support.

Acala DVD Ripper is a intuitive to use program which rips your DVD movies to AVI, VCD, SVCD format video regardless DVD CSS and DVD Region. The build-up enhanced encoder deep compress output min files with high speed and lossless movie quality. With Acala DVD Ripper, you will be able to backup or copy your favorite DVD movies to your hard disk as freely.With Acala DVD Ripper, don't worry about your media knowledge base, for it does all for you.

Key Features:

Intuitive interface make you free and professional.
Build-up enhanced encoder ensure the output AVI file less than 200MB lossless movie quality.
One click profile settings solution and easy customize settings for video size, frame rate, video bitrate(quality), audio bitrate(quality), aspect ratio, split size and TV mode.
Subtitle and Audio Track selectable for each episode.
Set the start position and end position for any episodes to convert.( cut movie clip to convert ).
Batch convert main movie and any episodes.
Batch files conversion.
Preview playback movies and any episodes..
Automatically Shutdown Computer When ripping done.

Recommand Link:

easy convert mpeg4 to qt

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Happiness MP4 Flash Deconde

Happiness MP4 Flash Deconde is a best video and movie converter to MP4 video software! This product offers convert all popular formats to iPod, PSP, Zune, iPhone, MP4 video/ movie, Easy Convert DVD, VCD, SVCD, AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB, DivX, ASF, VOB, 3GP and etc. Happiness MP4 Flash Deconde helps you watch your music videos and movies on your iPod, PSP, Zune, iPhone. In addition, you can also extracting audio from movie or music video and converting to iPod supported MP3 file format! Happiness MP4 Flash Deconde is the fastest Rip DVD movie to iPod, PSP, Zune, iPhone, MP4 video, you can convert almost all kinds of DVD to MP44 format. Its conversion speed is far faster than real-time, converting one DVD movie only takes half an hour in some high-end computers. Happiness MP4 Suite supports single-step conversion of DVD video into iPhone-ready MPEG-4 format while some other soft wares need two steps which wastes unnecessary time.

Recommand Link:

program to change apple QUICKTIME

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Open Wii Converter

Open Wii Converter converts AVI, DivX/Xvid, WMV, MPEG videos to Wii WMV or MP4 video format in one simple click. It is a powerful Wii MPEG4 video converter/Wii burner with fast working speed in burning movie to Wii and downloading movie to Wii. Now you can get this Wii MPEG4 video converter at a very competitive price! Its key features include: The software features superb video audio quality and fast conversion speed. And it is very easy to use.

Open Wii Video Converter is a best video and movie converter to Wii! This product offers convert movie to Sony Wii, Easy Convert AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB, DivX, ASF, VOB, 3GP and etc. Open Wii Converter helps you watch your music videos and movies on your Wii.

Recommand Link:

SOFTWARE to convert flash files

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happiness DVD to 3GP SWF MP4

Happiness DVD to 3GP SWF MP4 is an All-in-One solution to create Mobile Phone 3GP movies from DVDs, TV shows and downloaded videos. The software combines DVD to 3GP SWF MP4 Converter and 3GP Video Converter in one package for discounted price. The software is easy to use. It features superb video audio quality and the fastest conversion techniques availabe on the market (Up to 3x faster).

Happiness DVD to 3GP SWF MP4 easy converts all popular video formats such as AVI, DivX/Xvid, WMV, RM, MPG, MOV, MPEG (and many more) videos into Mobile Phone 3GP format. Watch movies on the road. Support all mobile phones with 3GP video capability. The software is very easy to use. It compresses a full lengh movie into small size which can be fitted in a 128MB memory card. Carry your movie theater on the go! Watch movies anywhere, anytime - a new life style.

Recommand Link:

Change mkv to asf extension

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Perpetually Youtube Converter

Perpetually Youtube Converter is a All-in-One powerful tool. Convert all popular video and audio formats to Youtube video, swf or flv to video, such as avi, mpeg, 3gp, mp4, mov, it offers the solutions to problems that many other flash to video converting tools cannot solve, such as video and audio asynchronization, loss of frames, audio distortion, the process of alpha channel, and the process of both internal and external Flash video(flv). With the leading audio and video codec, Perpetually Youtube Converter lets you easily and fully enjoy the original effects of your Flash files on your PC, iPod, PSP, Zune, iPhone, DVD players and Youtube Video, Google video, Myspace Video. In conclusion, with easy-to-use interface, fast converting speed, powerful functions.

Recommand Link:

convert matroska movies to xbox 360

Monday, March 15, 2010

3GP Video Converter

ImTOO 3GP Converter is the Best 3GP conversion tool to convert AVI to 3GP, MPEG to 3GP. The 3GP Video Converter can also convert H.264, RM, MP4, MOV, WMV, etc. to 3GP video, convert 3GP to MPEG and 3GP to AVI. Download ImTOO 3GP Video Converter for free and convert 3GP movies playable on Motorola, Nokia mobile phone or other 3GP files player software now!

ImTOO 3GP Video Converter is extremely easy to use 3GP converter software which makes processes of 3GP converting a breeze by automating all tasks with the best video quality.
No other 3GP converter supports so comprehensive video/audio files including 3GP, MPEG, AVI, GIF, WMV, H.264, WMA, WAV, MP3, MP4, M4A, OGG, AAC etc. like ImTOO 3GP Video Converter by building in lots of codecs.
With variable settings and fast converting speed, ImTOO 3GP Video Converter is an affordable, high quality 3GP converter worthy of own!
New: Support Windows Vista. And some brand new profiles - BlackBerry MP4, BlackBerry 3GP, BlackBerry AVI, BlackBerry AMR as to BlackBerry cellphone video added into the 3GP converter.

Recommand Link:

ram TO ipod

Sunday, March 7, 2010

LasVegas DVD to Xbox

LasVegas DVD to Xbox is a professional video converter to convert almost all popular video/movie formats to Xbox MP4 format. The output Xbox MP4 video files can be played on your Apple Xbox. All popular video/movie formats are supported, including AVI, MPEG/MPG/DAT, WMV, ASF, MP4, M4V, 3GP, 3G2, H264, MPEG4, AVC, MOV, QT, DivX, XviD, VOB, FLV, etc. The amazing output quality with super fast conversion speed is brough you by the built-in power MPEG4 encoder. All the output Xbox MP4 videos fit your Apple Xbox.

Recommand Link:

software download to change Ogm to archos 604

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Perpetually DVD to PDA

Perpetually DVD to PDA is a professional DVD movie to PDA video converter software. Perpetually DVD to PDA directly converts DVD movies to your PDA. All you need do is to connect PDA to your PC and start Super DVD to PDA Converter. When the conversion is completed. Perpetually DVD to PDA is an innovative Windows application that transcodes your favorite DVD movies to SONY PDA directly. You can easily convert both PAL/NTSC DVDs for optimized video playback on PDA. Integrated world-class MPEG4 encoder make it possible to transcode whole DVD disc with the time half of playback time of DVD. You can select any audio track, subtitle, chapters of the DVD as you want.