Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Who will be the Chinese MSN portal "murder"

After a very low key operation, the May 26, Microsoft's MSN portal in Chinese official release. Prior to that, back in November 2004 Microsoft will launch MSN had already heard the Chinese news portal.

The industry were surprised to find, MSN Chinese portal does not use "new wave" type of news pooling method, but rather to build content and channel partners an alternative approach. On the other hand, MSN is also follow the example of Tencent QQ, use instant messaging tools and personal sites combined approach, landing MSN users will be "forced" to see the MSN Chinese website content.

QQ anxious, Sina their vigilance

Chinese MSN portal landing, the industry buzzing about its potential to change the pattern of China's portal.

Tencent first "panic", "MSN came this time, that is directly facing the QQ's." Tencent an evaluation of senior managers so. However, According to report, many analysts still believe the Chinese MSN portal on Sina, Sohu and other traditional Chinese portal greatest threat.

"Portal is not static." Internet lab, senior analyst, Institute of Electronic Commerce in China Information Committee and deputy director Liang Chunxiao told, "International Herald Tribune" reporter, "the status of traditional Chinese gateway and advantages will not last forever. MSN Chinese portal Sina who is a real threat. "

Liang Chunxiao introduced the development process from the view of the portal, the portal is able to meet the needs of a majority of people online application. The beginning because people need to find their interest in the web site, so "YAHOO (Yahoo)" and other search engines to become the first generation of portals. Then, as online content complex, users need to have a website to help themselves integrate these large and complex information, so Sina and other "content providers" to become the second-generation portal.

"Now users of the Internet has enlarged its demands, including business, entertainment, shopping, communications, blog and other aspects. The future will be the integration of third-generation portal gateway to these capabilities." Liang Chunxiao description.

Experts pointed out that from now seems, MSN portal in Chinese the most signs of the third generation of portals, there are a number of local Chinese portals risk of being replaced.

Microsoft domineering may offend users in China

Adapt to new ideas do not necessarily represent the success, MSN portal in China and the Chinese may have been users surfing habits, "acclimatized" and the policy aspect of the triple attacks.

"(MSN) users has become a sheep under Microsoft Overlord upgrades, only listen to or expelled, there is no other choice - the beginning of Microsoft's King habits is complete, do not consider the user experience." A senior editor for MSN forced to eject Type page and criticized.

聽聽聽 姊佹槬鏅撹涓哄嵆鏃堕?璁伐鍏稭SN鏄叾涓枃缃戠珯鐨勬渶閲嶈浼樺娍锛屽埄鐢∕SN鎺ㄥ箍鍏剁綉绔欐槸蹇呯劧鍋氭硶銆備絾姝や妇鍙兘姝f挒涓婁簡鍥戒汉鐨勯?鍙嶅績鐞嗭紝鍏舵晥鏋滃緢鍙兘閫傚緱鍏跺弽銆?br />
聽聽聽 姝ゅ锛孧SN涓枃闂ㄦ埛杩橀渶瑕佹椂闂村皾璇曠湡姝h瀺鍏ヤ腑鍥姐?鍜岃繀鍓?瑁佸垬淇婃寚鍑猴紝澶ч儴鍒嗕汉閮芥亹鎯ц繃鏃╀簡锛屽浗鍐呬粠鍑犲勾鍓嶅紑濮嬫亹鎯у浗澶栭棬鎴封?鍏ヤ镜鈥濓紝褰撴椂鎭愭儳鐨勫璞℃槸闆呰檸鍜孉OL锛屼絾缁撴灉杩欎袱鑰呭湪涓浗閮芥湭鎴愬ぇ鍣紝鏆撮湶鍑轰弗閲嶇殑鈥滄按鍦熶笉鏈嶁?鐥囥?涓嶈繃鍒樹繆涔熻〃绀猴紝涓浗浜虹殑鐖卞浗鎯呰妭鏄府涓嶄簡鍥藉唴闂ㄦ埛浠殑銆?br />
聽聽聽 鍙﹀锛岀敱浜庢斂绛栭檺鍒讹紝MSN涓枃闂ㄦ埛鑷繁涓嶈兘缁勭粐鍐呭锛岀洰鍓嶅叾閲囩敤涓潚缃戜綔涓轰富瑕佸唴瀹逛緵搴斿晢锛屾樉鐒舵湁鐐瑰娍鍗曞姏钖勩?

聽聽聽 鐢变簬MSN涓枃闂ㄦ埛鐜版湁鐨勭绉嶇己闄凤紝缁欎簡涓浗鏈湡闂ㄦ埛浠疂璐电殑鏃堕棿锛屸?鏈湡闂ㄦ埛涓?畾瑕佹湁鏂扮殑璁よ瘑锛屼笌鏃朵勘杩涳紝鎵嶄笉鑷充簬琚簰鑱旂綉鍙戝睍澶ф疆娣樻卑鈥濓紝姊佹槬鏅撹銆?br />


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